Now don't let this sweet Little face fool you! Although I do have to say, he is adorable (biased, me?)!
This little cutie found a new way to mortify mommy today! Today I was informed by his pre-school teacher when picking this child up, that he had decided using the toilet to do his business was just a total waste of time! He instead pulled his little pants down and peed right out side the playhouse in the school playground!!! I could have died! The sad thing is this behavior was probably learned by the biggest kid in our family, my husband!
Well he chastised, as he should have been, and felt very bad for his behavior! The tears were very sincere, and I have a feeling this is the last time that will be happening! After realizing this was not a condoned behavior, I think he was actually embarrassed!
Here's a couple of pics of the other two babies, just so they are not left out:
Aren't the boys outfits cute? Those are courtesy of my mother in law. My husband works in the Golf industry, and she just had to get the outfits when she saw them!
Baby Addie is wearing a gorgeous dress from Janie and Jack.
The Dress is dupiani silk, and was obscenely expensive originally, but I got it after Christmas for a steal, and saved it for Easter! Aren't I the smart one!
So want to see what I have added to my Etsy shop? Well too bad I'm gonna show you anyway cause it's my Blog! Hee, Hee! Here we go:
And this is my Peaches and Cream Vintage
Cluster Ring. Fun Vintage beads, vintage enameled
flowers, and sterling silver.
Well, till' next time ...
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