So Welcome everyone to a behind the scenes look at Sweet Addie!
I should probably introduce myself: My name is Kelly, and I am a Stay at Home mother to three. My daughter was the inspiration behind the name of my business, even before she was born! I also have two adorable little boys that keep me very busy and up to neck in dirty clothes and sticky hugs! I craft in the snippets of "spare time" I find here and there, and generally drive my husband crazy with the trail of beads, and wire I leave everywhere! He is extremely supportive, although he doesn't really "get it"! What man does?!
I recently got a part time job, a few evenings a week. It's nice to get out of babyland for awhile and participate in some grown-up activities! The place is called My Girlfriend's Kitchen
It's a fabulous place to make all your meals for the week or the month, take them home and freeze them, and then just thaw and cook when you need them! I tell you places like this are a life saver! There will be more about MGFK to come, but for now I'd like to show you some items in my Etsy Shop:
Here are some things I have been working on lately-
Another Collage Piece from my Buttoned Up collection.
Earrings from my Wall flower Collection.
So That's it for now! I'll probably post again tonight because I have some fabulous things to share with you all! Bye for now!
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