I've been very inspired lately to learn and create some new pieces. I have so many ideas floating around in my head, and yet I struggle to find the time I need to work those ideas out. Soldering has been something I have wanted to learn for some time now, but just never got around to hatching it out. I thought it might be best to learn soldering as sort of a building block to learning more complex metal smith techniques, which is my end goal. I finally bought the supplies, and referred to the tutorials and books I've had had for awhile, and sat down to do it. It's addicting! I want to solder everything in sight! I've made several basic pendants, which as you know are made by everyone and their mother, but it's new to me, and I'm enjoying the possibilities soldering allows.

I picked up a few new art books recently thank to my 50% off coupon from JoAnns. I never realized what a great selection of art books they carried. I now have a list, and every time I get a coupon I'll be picking up a new book!
One of the books I got features some amazing jewelry by some very talented ladies. My work tends to be, pretty, romantic, and rather girly, but there are some amazing wire techiniques in this book that I'm really excited to learn! Many of the projects are made using a more rustic approach to wire wrapping. I am usually a very precise and neat wire wrapper, so this messy technique is a little foreign to me, but I'm loving the freedom of it! It's organic and very liberating!
My latest purchase was a tiny little sewing machine for crafting. I really, really want to learn to sew beautiful things like this gal, and this gal, and this one too, but for now I'll be content to sew small things like paper and felt. So much to learn, so little time!
Ohh I also am dying to make a few projects from this gorgeous book! For now I'll just drool over the pages!