One of my best friends' little girl is turning 1! She is a gorgeous spunky brunette, and the princess of her home! What better gift for a princess, than a fabulous Tutu! I completed it tonight, and even though it is windy as all heck today, I had to get some shots of it before I wrap it up! So don't mind the less than fabulous backdrop! It was the only place that was sheltered by the wind! Happy B-day Little A!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Shhh Don't Tell!
One of my best friends' little girl is turning 1! She is a gorgeous spunky brunette, and the princess of her home! What better gift for a princess, than a fabulous Tutu! I completed it tonight, and even though it is windy as all heck today, I had to get some shots of it before I wrap it up! So don't mind the less than fabulous backdrop! It was the only place that was sheltered by the wind! Happy B-day Little A!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
To Eat or Not to Eat, That is the Question?

So many people have asked me to post a pic. of myself on the blog. I'm not sure why , I'm really quite boring looking. I kinda have that needs to brush her hair, goop from the kids on clothes, shops at Target, kinda look. Really nothing to look at, and nothing to aspire to! While contemplating taking a pic. for the blog (which I don't really do ever. It's actually kind sad, cause' I don't have many pics. of me and the kids together.), I decide, enough is enough! I am getting serious here folks! Momma need a little (OK, maybe a lot!) of shaping up and toning up! Now some damage (did I say damage? Oh I meant lovely little marks of love from the birth of my 3 children), is not repairable, but other things can be helped with a little effort on my part. That's the part that is really hard for me though!
I'm not afraid to admit it (well maybe just a little) that I am a huge fan of the MTV show The Hills
Yes, I know I'm 30, and not rich, but I love taking a glimpse into the lives of these pre-pubescent, designer clad girlie's! I long to live their lives, have the kinda drama that doesn't even seem real, wear fancy clothes without snot or sticky fingerprints, and most all be stick skinny!! I have not always been a size that has caused me to hide behind the camera. Actually I think I was quite the looker back in my heyday! Three children in 3 years kinda takes a tole on the body! So anyway, I decided the time is now! No more loss of will power, no more excuses! I will take a pic. for the blog! I will utilizing the help of Shape magazine's January addition (which happens to have my BFF Lauren Conrad from The Hills on the Cover! It must be fate!), which has a program to drop 10 lbs in 1 month!

Wish me luck! When it's all over I'll take a pic. for the blog! I promise! For now here is one I do feel comfortable sharing with you! If anyone wants to join me in fighting the battle of the bulge, let me know!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Farm Chicks Antique Show, Here We Come!

It's official! The flight is booked, the hotel reserved, the rental car accounted for! I'll be heading off to Washington for the Farm Chicks Antique Show in Spokane, June 7-8th!
I'm going with my Junk Loving Buddy, my Mother-in-law! It's gonna be a blast, I can't wait! I know... Your probably thinking, "Dude, I know it's a cool show and all, but come on lady! Get a life!"
Well guess what I don't have one, and getting to go anywhere without children for 3 nights and 4 days is nearly impossible around here! So just warning you, you might here me mention the Farm Chicks show MANY times before I leave! Oh and check out their site. Many cool collecting, craft, and recipe ideas, plus a look at some Pics of last years show. Did I mention I was going to the show this year? June 7th-8th? In Washington? No kids with me? Oh, I did! Yippee for me!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's day everyone! I hope you are all having swell days! I was to have a glorious weekend alone, the kids going off with their father to Santa Cruz, but alas that was not the case! My oldest has been sick since Fri. so the trip has been postponed. The weekend was still wonderful with a trip to my local Antique Fair.
This fair is held every second Sun. of the month, with tons of gorgeous vendors and yummy things to buy! I try to go as often as I can, but with three young children and a husband that often works on the weekend, it's not always possible! Today I was allowed the luxury of going for several hours, all by myself! It was heaven! I found lots of wonderful things, and some will be available in my supply/vintage shop.
Here's a look at some of the things I brought home today! Hope you all had a day as lovely as mine! Enjoy the rest of your day!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A quick post tonight! Just wanted to give you a peek at the newest items in my shop!
And here they are...

OK! That's it for now!
Till' next time!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So I have been getting a lot more orders recently for my Double Sided Monogram Initial Necklace. I am loving all the new orders, but always like to know how people find my work? Well one lovely lady just placed an order and told me she saw my necklace on WeCovet.
I have never been to this site so I checked it out. The two women who run the show there pick out the most amazing things from jewelry (like mine!) to housewares, clothing, you name it! It's an amazing site, and not just because they like my work! Check it out!
Till' next time!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Sweet Goodness Swap & Baby Shower
Hello! I am in a mad dash to get this post up! I just got home from a baby shower I put on for a Friend today. I am pooped, but it all went so well! All 3 kids are actually sleeping, so I'm trying to take advantage of this time and post a little!
We did the shower at my work, My Girlfriend's Kitchen
which is a meal assembly kitchen. Basically everyone pre-assembled meals for the mother-to-be, so that she could take them home and freeze them to use once the baby comes in just a few weeks! It is going to be my friend's 2nd baby, so we thought this would make a great gift. If you all have children you know how hard it is to get anything done, especially cooking!So here's some pics of how we set up:

The little cupcake favors are actually soaps, made by the lovely Charlene of White Lye Soap Co.
I put them in little clear bags with some yummy salt water taffy! They looked so cute all together on a platter!
OK, My kids have now woken up so forgive me while I scramble to finish this post!
I have been meaning to post all the lovely things my Fab Partner Amy of Flamingo and Flip Flops
sent to me several days back for the Sweet Goodness Springtime in Paris swap. Everything was so lovely! She made me and my daughter the sweetest flip flops, her specialty, and the most wonderful cards with pictures of Paris! The pictures on the cards were actually taken by her friend while in Paris! Isn't that fun? The little pink box held lots of yummy candies that have already been consumed by the kids (and by kids I mean me! hee, hee!). She also sent some cute little monkey ornaments that the kids were able to color on and make their own little works of art! So here's a look at all the goodies she sent! Thanks so much Amy! I had a blast Swapping with you!

Till' next time folks!
We did the shower at my work, My Girlfriend's Kitchen
which is a meal assembly kitchen. Basically everyone pre-assembled meals for the mother-to-be, so that she could take them home and freeze them to use once the baby comes in just a few weeks! It is going to be my friend's 2nd baby, so we thought this would make a great gift. If you all have children you know how hard it is to get anything done, especially cooking!So here's some pics of how we set up:
The little cupcake favors are actually soaps, made by the lovely Charlene of White Lye Soap Co.
I put them in little clear bags with some yummy salt water taffy! They looked so cute all together on a platter!
OK, My kids have now woken up so forgive me while I scramble to finish this post!
I have been meaning to post all the lovely things my Fab Partner Amy of Flamingo and Flip Flops
sent to me several days back for the Sweet Goodness Springtime in Paris swap. Everything was so lovely! She made me and my daughter the sweetest flip flops, her specialty, and the most wonderful cards with pictures of Paris! The pictures on the cards were actually taken by her friend while in Paris! Isn't that fun? The little pink box held lots of yummy candies that have already been consumed by the kids (and by kids I mean me! hee, hee!). She also sent some cute little monkey ornaments that the kids were able to color on and make their own little works of art! So here's a look at all the goodies she sent! Thanks so much Amy! I had a blast Swapping with you!

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