I'm back from my wonderful trip to Washington and The Farm Chicks Antique Show. It was so much fun, and way to short a trip! We arrived Fri. evening to cold and rainy weather. Such a bummer, since it was warm and sunny here in Sacramento County. The awful weather did nothing to deter the masses from flooding the Farm Chicks show! I knew it was going to be big, But I had no idea the turnout would be that huge! Seriously, there must have been at least 500 junk lovers lined up in the rain to get into the event Sat. morning! The anticipation was almost too much to handle! The first day was so jam packed with people, it was nearly impossible to see any of the wonderful items put out by vendors! The second day was much more calm, and you could actually see the gorgeous booths, and the spectacular displays and vignettes. Every booth was a sight to see! The vendors did not disappoint and went above and beyond to make their booths inviting, and hard to resist! The Farm Chicks booth was so fun! They had vintage enamel ware from India, handmade jewelry, tee-shirts, hats, posters and other goodies. They sold out of the enamel ware almost immediately! These ladies were going crazy over it! It was a feeding frenzy!
I had a blast! Next year's show will be bigger and better! I know I can't wait for it! Enjoy the pics. of the show!

One of the most gorgeous booths: Tarte

If you'd like to read a little more about my trip, and The Farm Chicks Show, check out my guest reporting on Vintage Indie!
Wow what allot of fun - wish I had been there!
hoganfe handbags
Just found you through flickr and cottage style street team and I'm looking forward to reading more! The Farm Chicks show looks like heaven!!!!
Looks fun! Hope you had a great time away!
How fun! The doll by the cage with the shells caught my eye...I ahd one just like that!
Wow, I bet it was so much fun! Lucky girl! :)
tag... you're it. See my blog for the questions if you want to play along!
oh i just cannot get enough of these farm chick's show photos ~ thanks for sharing! xo heidi
This is great! I've been seeing everyone's Farm Chick Pics around. Looked so fun!
Vintage Lily
thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog !! i so want to do the farm chicks show next year !!! what wonderful photos you took !!!
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