Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

Three years ago today you entered my life and immediately it felt as if you'd always been here. While your brother is special for making me a mom, you are special for making me a BETTER mom! Your sweet and gentle nature is a blessing to our family. We all cherish the hugs and cuddles you are so generous in handing out! I love you my, sweet, sweet boy! You make my life brighter each and every day! Happy 3rd Birthday!

Love and kisses Forever,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sneak peek

Here is a sneak peak of some things I have been making lately. My poor Etsy shop is sooo barren! I plan on plumping it up in a few days!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Anything your heart desires

Doing some late night browsing on Etsy and came upon a few interesting things. I think you could find just about anything on Etsy! All I can say is Hmmm?


I'm a little scared to be honest of the last pic! That IS NOT a real baby!!!

Not everything I can upon was disturbing though. I did find this adorable dress for my daughter!

Bossy Baby

Don't ya just love Etsy!

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Blog, New Me!

Hey y'all! I've been busy, busy, busy lately! All three of the kiddos contracted some lovely virus and were sick for the whole past week. Yuck times 3! I've also been very busy making some new pieces (I'll have pics up sometime this week), and learning some new techniques. I really want to add a little something, something to my work, so I've been hitting the books, tutorials, and everything else I can get my hands on! I also have a new look for my blog! Did you notice? Isn't it pretty?! The Lovely Jaime, did a fabulous job mixing the soft color pallet I love, with a vintage feel. Jaime is the most adorable, and sweet person! She worked so hard to get the look I wanted, and she definitely deserves props for dealing with picky me! All of her work is amazing, so check out her site if you are looking for some design work of your own! Oh and she is currently having a 50% off sale on all her pre-made designs!! Whooot!!

I have a large list of blogs I visit frequently (yes, I do know they are not all listed on my side bar! I will someday update it!). Umongst those is the very sweet Dede Warren of Dream, Create, Share. Dede always has something inspiring posted, including info. regarding her In The Artists Studio workshops (which I would love to attend, but sadly live to far away!). So anyway, I was lucky enough to be a winner in the Pay it Forward swap she is participating in. Now it is my turn to Pay it Forward to one of you! Here is how it works:

The first 3 people who leave me a comment on this post only will receive a handmade item from me sometime in the next 3 months. Just one day, out of the blue, at no cost to you, a special something will arrive in your mailbox. (Be sure to leave contact info so that I can get your mailing address.)

The turnabout is that you must choose to participate in this round robin of giving by giving yourself and posting the "Pay It Forward Challenge" on your blog.

In other non-realated news, drumroll please, I am down 8 lbs from 2 weeks ago!! Whoot, Whoot!! There will never again be a bikini in my wardrobe (Thank you kiddos!), but I do see a sexy one piece in my near future!!
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