Remember when on the first day of class your new teacher would write her name on the chalk board really big! Hello class my name is (teacher writes name on the board)... Well that name will soon be mine! I will be teaching some classes at a local antique store this holiday season. Several other talented women will also be teaching their skills. You might know a few from their Etsy Shops:
This gal
and this one
If you'd like to see more about the classes I'll be teaching, or any others you can look here
I've been super busy trying to help get all this together and haven't spent much time on my garage/studio space conversion. I am dying to get it done, but there just aren't enough hours in the day for all that needs to get accomplished! If only I could wave a magic wand and the laundry, dishes and diaper changes were done for me! If any of you are stay-at-home moms, you'll agree when I say, it's not the taking care of the kids part that's hard, it's doing everything else that's hard!
I have been working on a few new things for the shop
I'm also working on some fun new things for my Poppytalk Handmade Market booth which will start on Nov. 17th.
I'll keep you all posted!